Learn German by speaking!

Improve your German by using the language regularly in conversation with our professional, native-speaking teachers.  For more information

Sign up now for your free GO! 15 trial class!

    The right German course for your goals

    GOFORGERMAN German learning method

    Live-Teaching in fixed learning groups:

    Online lessons with native speaking teachers in linguistically homogeneous learning groups, 2 to 3 times a week


    Interactive learning platform:

    After the live teaching and on the remaining days, you will continue learning on the Blink learning platform. Your teachers will support you and control your exercises.


    Weekly meeting:

    Once a week you will meet an experienced native speaker tutor and talk to him in German.

    With Go! 15 minutes in Germany you will apply what you have learned in practice and improve your oral skills.

    The advantages of online learning with GOFORGERMAN

    Integrative learning concept

    Direct communication with the teacher

    Comprehensive support from experienced course leaders and tutors

    Interactive online platform

    Individual conversation partner (15 minutes in Germany)

    GOFORGERMAN final exam and certificate

    Free study and career advice

    The GOFORGERMAN method

    Ideal combination of face-to-face and online lessons

    Interactive platform for independent learning

    Learning objective: To improve oral and written expression

    Integrated additional offer: 15 minutes in Germany (conversation with native speakers)

    Targeted preparation for studies and work

    Small homogeneous learning groups (8-12 people)

    This is how GOFORGERMAN works

    • Goals, wishes and questions

      Fill out our contact form and write us why you want to learn German. What are your wishes and goals? Ask your questions about studying or working in Germany.

      Do you already have previous knowledge? Then take our placement test, which shows what level you are currently at.

    • Free trial lesson

      Take part in a group lesson or an individual German lesson. You can make an appointment immediately.

    • Start your German course

      Study together with other course participants who are pursuing the same learning goal as you.

    • 15 minutes in Germany

      Choose your individual tutor and meet with them regularly to improve your pronunciation and vocabulary.

    Former Students View

    Jetzt kann ich besser sprechen und hören.

    Ich habe mein Deutsch viel verbessert. Jetzt kann ich besser sprechen und hören. Mit Goforgerman habe ich auch Lust, fleißiger zu lernen. Danke Herr Oscar Lutz.

    Selim Sancar


    Chương trình học rất gần gũi với thực tế.

    Chương trình học rất gần gũi với thực tế. Rất thuận lợi cho những người đi làm như tôi: tiết kiệm và chủ động được thời gian học, không cần đến lớp mà vẫn có thể học được bất cứ nơi đâu.

    Lê Thuỳ Linh

    Marketing Manager

    Het is een grote uitdaging om Duits vloeiend te leren spreken.

    Het is een grote uitdaging om Duits vloeiend te leren spreken. Met deze online taalcursus wordt hier erg de nadruk op gelegd. Het was fijn en leerzaam om naast het onderwijs ook het Duits spreken veelte oefenen.

    Sanne Schipper


    I really liked the fact that we also practiced speaking German a lot.

    I really liked the fact that we also practiced speaking German a lot. Especially, the possibility to have conversations with a native German speaker was very helpful.

    Jared Howard


    I really liked being in this test group!

    I really liked being in this test group! Learning German online was still a great experience, I am quite happy with my improvements. I will book my tutor again before exams or job interviews. Vielen Dank und bis nächste Jahr!

    Gabriela Palkowitsch


    Frequently asked questions

    Who are the founders of GOFORGERMAN?

    The founders of goforgerman are owners of German institutes in Germany and other countries as well as experienced German teachers and coordinators in the field of German as a foreign language.


    Who are my teachers?

    All teachers at goforgerman have native German language skills and many years of professional experience in teaching German as a foreign language. All teachers are very familiar with the integrative learning concept of goforgerman and regularly take part in internal training courses.

    What technical requirements do I need?

    The only requirements are a stable internet connection, a computer / laptop with microphone and camera and the free video conference tool Zoom.

    What prior knowledge do I need?

    You do not need any previous knowledge. At goforgerman, the language of instruction is German from the start. After just a few days of the course, you will begin to understand and speak German. The focus of our communicative method is not only to learn German, but to actually speak German. This means that you will learn to put what you have learned into practice – orally and in writing.

    How do I find the right course?

    Which type of course is right for you depends a lot on your goals, wishes and possibilities. Let us advise you. All you have to do is fill out the contact form and send it off. We will work out an offer for you so that you can achieve your goal – e.g. studying or working in Germany – as quickly as possible.

    Do you already have previous knowledge. Then use our non-binding and free placement test.

    Which teaching materials do I use to learn?

    At goforgerman you learn with relevant course and work books, which are particularly suitable for online learning. You also use an interactive learning platform that offers you new and interesting exercises every day to repeat and deepen your knowledge. In addition, you will receive numerous materials that were specially developed by goforgerman to improve your communication skills.

    Do I get a certificate / certificate?

    Yes and yes. You will receive a certificate of attendance stating the scope and level of your course.

    At the end of every intensive and semi-intensive course there is a final test. The test in levels A1 to C1 is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(GER). It makes language skills comparable across Europe and divides the most important European language tests into six levels of difficulty: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. The levels were classified across languages ​​and countries. The prerequisite for the certificate is regular participation in the course and passing the final test.

    Your certificate is recognized by numerous institutions around the world and offers you a good basis to continue your language learning.

    At the end of the TestDaF preparatory course, there is a model test to show you whether you can already register for the TestDaF exam.

    How can I use the free study and career advice?

    We support all participants in our courses in achieving their educational or professional goals. Use the information we offer on our website, which we are constantly updating and adding to.

    You can also tell us your goals and questions in Contact form (here) notify us, write to us by e-mail or use our chat for study and career advice.

    We are glad to help you

    Our customer service will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

    With GO! 15 min Germany you will improve your verbal expression

    You have an appointment in German!

    Here is your free trial lesson.

    Not only learn German, but speak German

    GOFORGERMAN - Ready for the future